The Essential of Study Abroad

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 Globalization makes the world has no boundary. It is possible for everyone to explore every part in this world. Especially as the young people, we need to expand our experience. Moreover, young people with their innovation, creativity and open-mindedness are necessary to be developed. Studying abroad may be one of the best solutions because studying abroad will bring beneficial experiences for college students.
Experiencing new cultures will be one of the most exciting moments that you get when studying abroad. The first time you arrive in the new place that you have not visited before, you will see many different things like traditions, customs and values that totally different from your own homeland. If you have not been ready yet, you will face cultural shock, but you just need to adapt for a while and you will be accustomed. This condition will teach you to be tolerant toward each other.
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Studying abroad will practice you to be an independent person. Living far away from home sometimes will be frightening, but it will lead you to be independent in managing your time and daily needs. You must have responsibility towards yourself. How well you manage yourself is based on you.
Building network is one of the most important things that you should do when studying abroad. When going to the new places, we will meet a lot of friends with different backgrounds and personalities. Every person that we meet is very important because we do not know whether in the future we need a help each other. Maintain our friendship well will help us to have long last network.
Going to a foreign country means that you will face new environment including the language. Mastering the second language will be essential when studying abroad. Although you have not mastered well, you can improve your second language skill by immersing yourself to native people. Based on the research in the U.S, immersing to the native environment becomes the most efficient method to learn the second language.
In conclusion, studying abroad is one of the most valuable opportunities for college students to improve their personal development. There are many benefits that college students can get while studying abroad, such as facing new culture, practicing independent life, building network and developing language skill.
*Written to  fullfil the Advanced Writing Assignment Class


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